Obama, The Dems and the Unemployed

I am furious over Obama’s refusal to talk now when all he wanted to do was talk before he was elected. The fact that unemployment insurance has not been extended by Congress is the perfect place for him to step into his bully pulpit. And, the fact that BP was left in charge of the Gulf Oil Spill, spewing their dispersants which do nothing but interact with the oil and multiply the damage just so BP can send cameras into the Gulf and the cameras won’t see any oil is an abomination. It doesn’t mean the oil isn’t there, it is DISPERSED. It is time for a third party in this country. I can’t bring myself to vote for Republicans who are dumbed down to the point of being irrelevant and I find myself for the first time in my life not being able to vote for a Democratic President who I worked my ass off for. And the Dems in the Congress have nothing to say. Why? They don’t want to lose their jobs? I’m reading TEAM OF RIVALS by Doris Kearns Goodwin about President Lincoln and the Civil War and every time I put the book down I shake my head and think, “what has happened to our politicians and what has happened to the citizens who elect them, me included?”

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