The first Ruse to march out the Republican door with its talking points in hand, now that Romney has won Nevada, is:  President Obama is out to destroy religion

REASON FOR RUSE:  President Obama will never attack Gov. Romney based on his religion, he’s not that kind of man.  But when someone does attack Romney based on his religion, whether true or not, this Ruse gives talking heads and Republican politicians permission to ask the President, “the Republicans say that you are out to destroy religion, what say you?” 

(Have you been hampered in practicing your religion since President Obama was sworn into office?  Any of your friends?) 

PREDICTION:  RUSE 1 is the first of the RELIGIOUS WAR Ruses planned for the 2012 Republican Presidential campaign. 

RUSE 1:  ROMNEY WATCH:  He will approve of RUSE 1.  The Mormon church donated millions of dollars in support of Prop. 8 in California, a voter initiative that defined marriage as the union of a man and a woman.  Later today, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals will issue its ruling on Prop. 8.  No matter the decision, be on notice that RUSE 2 will be born: 

Gays are out to destroy America, the next shot in the Religious War Ruse. 

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