Without a whimper, without a cry

If this is going to become a nation of herded sheep then count me out. If we are going down the path that I have seen coming since the selection of President Bush in 2000, then so be it. Is everyone too damn scared to talk about politics? If citizens of my country want to listen to hate talk 24/7, go for it. Learn to hate, all over again. I’m only 52 and I remember white and colored drinking fountains in the south where I grew up. If white and black people want to go back to that, fine. I’ll drink my water at home. I’ve marched and written and marched and raised hell behind my beliefs for as long as I can remember. And I’ve been energized from the debates. But I’m worn out. We haven’t had a leader with a vision in so long that an entire generation will not understand what that is. All they will understand is don’t get caught. If you don’t get caught, you’re not guilty. And if you get caught, just build lie upon lie. Folks will get tired and give up. I love America. But I don’t love the thought of it self-imploding, without a whimper, without a cry.

2 Responses to “Without a whimper, without a cry”

  1. Aline Ackerman Says:

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  2. Jewell Says:

    Much like “The Hollow Men,” don’t you think? or The Wasteland?

    One thing I continually notice is that you, David, are not afraid to speak the truth in a land absorbed with lies and hate. All said by “well intentioned ” people in the name of love. They need new glasses.


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