To: Ken Mehlman

To:  Ken Mehlman, former Republican National Committee Chairman 

and all the other gay men who come out of the closet after supporting anti-gay issues for years:

I have to say I don’t get it.  There is not a bone in my body, there is not a sprig of my hair, there is no part of my brain that understands people like you, Mehlman, who spew your hatred toward yourself, toward your own self-interest, toward all the other gay people in this country so you can win elections and now, you happily trot your self-hating ass out and what?  Expect me to cheer?  Expect me to overlook your past?  Sorry, bud.  There are certain things that aren’t negotiable, there is certain behavior that is inexcusable.  There are some issues that don’t have two sides, there is right and wrong.  You were wrong.  You are still wrong.    

One Response to “To: Ken Mehlman”

  1. Luke Says:

    Mehlman said ” For those who can not forgive what I have done, I only hope they can understand”. I understand it very well, he is an asshole.

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